const Mn = require('backbone.marionette'); const App = require('../../main'); const ProxyHostModel = require('../../../models/proxy-host'); const ProxyLocationModel = require('../../../models/proxy-host-location'); const template = require('./form.ejs'); const certListItemTemplate = require('../certificates-list-item.ejs'); const accessListItemTemplate = require('./access-list-item.ejs'); const CustomLocation = require('./location'); const Helpers = require('../../../lib/helpers'); require('jquery-serializejson'); require('selectize'); module.exports = Mn.View.extend({ template: template, className: 'modal-dialog', locationsCollection: new ProxyLocationModel.Collection(), ui: { form: 'form', domain_names: 'input[name="domain_names"]', forward_host: 'input[name="forward_host"]', buttons: '.modal-footer button', cancel: 'button.cancel', save: '', add_location_btn: 'button.add_location', locations_container:'.locations_container', certificate_select: 'select[name="certificate_id"]', access_list_select: 'select[name="access_list_id"]', ssl_forced: 'input[name="ssl_forced"]', hsts_enabled: 'input[name="hsts_enabled"]', hsts_subdomains: 'input[name="hsts_subdomains"]', http2_support: 'input[name="http2_support"]', forward_scheme: 'select[name="forward_scheme"]', letsencrypt: '.letsencrypt' }, regions: { locations_regions: '@ui.locations_container' }, events: { 'change @ui.certificate_select': function () { let id = this.ui.certificate_select.val(); if (id === 'new') {'input').prop('disabled', false); } else { this.ui.letsencrypt.hide().find('input').prop('disabled', true); } let enabled = id === 'new' || parseInt(id, 10) > 0; let inputs = this.ui.ssl_forced.add(this.ui.http2_support); inputs .prop('disabled', !enabled) .parents('.form-group') .css('opacity', enabled ? 1 : 0.5); if (!enabled) { inputs.prop('checked', false); } inputs.trigger('change'); }, 'change @ui.ssl_forced': function () { let checked = this.ui.ssl_forced.prop('checked'); this.ui.hsts_enabled .prop('disabled', !checked) .parents('.form-group') .css('opacity', checked ? 1 : 0.5); if (!checked) { this.ui.hsts_enabled.prop('checked', false); } this.ui.hsts_enabled.trigger('change'); }, 'change @ui.hsts_enabled': function () { let checked = this.ui.hsts_enabled.prop('checked'); this.ui.hsts_subdomains .prop('disabled', !checked) .parents('.form-group') .css('opacity', checked ? 1 : 0.5); if (!checked) { this.ui.hsts_subdomains.prop('checked', false); } }, 'click @ui.add_location_btn': function (e) { e.preventDefault(); const model = new ProxyLocationModel.Model(); this.locationsCollection.add(model); }, 'click': function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!this.ui.form[0].checkValidity()) { $('').hide().appendTo(this.ui.form).click().remove(); return; } let view = this; let data = this.ui.form.serializeJSON(); // Add locations data.locations = []; this.locationsCollection.models.forEach((location) => { data.locations.push(location.toJSON()); }); // Serialize collects path from custom locations // This field must be removed from root object delete data.path; // Manipulate data.forward_port = parseInt(data.forward_port, 10); data.block_exploits = !!data.block_exploits; data.caching_enabled = !!data.caching_enabled; data.allow_websocket_upgrade = !!data.allow_websocket_upgrade; data.http2_support = !!data.http2_support; data.hsts_enabled = !!data.hsts_enabled; data.hsts_subdomains = !!data.hsts_subdomains; data.ssl_forced = !!data.ssl_forced; if (typeof data.domain_names === 'string' && data.domain_names) { data.domain_names = data.domain_names.split(','); } // Check for any domain names containing wildcards, which are not allowed with letsencrypt if (data.certificate_id === 'new') { let domain_err = false; (name) { if (name.match(/\*/im)) { domain_err = true; } }); if (domain_err) { alert('Cannot request Let\'s Encrypt Certificate for wildcard domains'); return; } data.meta.letsencrypt_agree = data.meta.letsencrypt_agree === '1'; } else { data.certificate_id = parseInt(data.certificate_id, 10); } let method = App.Api.Nginx.ProxyHosts.create; let is_new = true; if (this.model.get('id')) { // edit is_new = false; method = App.Api.Nginx.ProxyHosts.update; = this.model.get('id'); } this.ui.buttons.prop('disabled', true).addClass('btn-disabled'); method(data) .then(result => { view.model.set(result); App.UI.closeModal(function () { if (is_new) { App.Controller.showNginxProxy(); } }); }) .catch(err => { alert(err.message); this.ui.buttons.prop('disabled', false).removeClass('btn-disabled'); }); } }, templateContext: { getLetsencryptEmail: function () { return App.Cache.User.get('email'); } }, onRender: function () { let view = this; this.ui.ssl_forced.trigger('change'); this.ui.hsts_enabled.trigger('change'); // Domain names this.ui.domain_names.selectize({ delimiter: ',', persist: false, maxOptions: 15, create: function (input) { return { value: input, text: input }; }, createFilter: /^(?:\*\.)?(?:[^.*]+\.?)+[^.]$/ }); // Access Lists this.ui.access_list_select.selectize({ valueField: 'id', labelField: 'name', searchField: ['name'], create: false, preload: true, allowEmptyOption: true, render: { option: function (item) { item.i18n = App.i18n; item.formatDbDate = Helpers.formatDbDate; return accessListItemTemplate(item); } }, load: function (query, callback) { App.Api.Nginx.AccessLists.getAll(['items']) .then(rows => { callback(rows); }) .catch(err => { console.error(err); callback(); }); }, onLoad: function () { view.ui.access_list_select[0].selectize.setValue(view.model.get('access_list_id')); } }); // Certificates this.ui.letsencrypt.hide(); this.ui.certificate_select.selectize({ valueField: 'id', labelField: 'nice_name', searchField: ['nice_name', 'domain_names'], create: false, preload: true, allowEmptyOption: true, render: { option: function (item) { item.i18n = App.i18n; item.formatDbDate = Helpers.formatDbDate; return certListItemTemplate(item); } }, load: function (query, callback) { App.Api.Nginx.Certificates.getAll() .then(rows => { callback(rows); }) .catch(err => { console.error(err); callback(); }); }, onLoad: function () { view.ui.certificate_select[0].selectize.setValue(view.model.get('certificate_id')); } }); }, initialize: function (options) { if (typeof options.model === 'undefined' || !options.model) { this.model = new ProxyHostModel.Model(); } this.locationsCollection = new ProxyLocationModel.Collection(); // Custom locations this.showChildView('locations_regions', new CustomLocation.LocationCollectionView({ collection: this.locationsCollection })); // Check wether there are any location defined if (options.model && Array.isArray(options.model.attributes.locations)) { options.model.attributes.locations.forEach((location) => { let m = new ProxyLocationModel.Model(location); this.locationsCollection.add(m); }); } } });