const Mn = require('backbone.marionette'); const App = require('../../main'); const AccessListModel = require('../../../models/access-list'); const template = require('./form.ejs'); const ItemView = require('./form/item'); const ClientView = require('./form/client'); require('jquery-serializejson'); const ItemsView = Mn.CollectionView.extend({ childView: ItemView }); const ClientsView = Mn.CollectionView.extend({ childView: ClientView }); module.exports = Mn.View.extend({ template: template, className: 'modal-dialog', ui: { items_region: '.items', clients_region: '.clients', form: 'form', buttons: '.modal-footer button', cancel: 'button.cancel', save: '' }, regions: { items_region: '@ui.items_region', clients_region: '@ui.clients_region' }, events: { 'click': function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!this.ui.form[0].checkValidity()) { $('').hide().appendTo(this.ui.form).click().remove(); return; } let view = this; let form_data = this.ui.form.serializeJSON(); let items_data = []; let clients_data = []; (val, idx) { if (val.trim().length) { items_data.push({ username: val.trim(), password: form_data.password[idx] }); } }); (val, idx) { if (val.trim().length) { clients_data.push({ address: val.trim(), directive: form_data.directive[idx] }) } }); if (!items_data.length) { alert('You must specify at least 1 Username and Password combination'); return; } let data = { name:, items: items_data, clients: clients_data }; let method = App.Api.Nginx.AccessLists.create; let is_new = true; if (this.model.get('id')) { // edit is_new = false; method = App.Api.Nginx.AccessLists.update; = this.model.get('id'); } this.ui.buttons.prop('disabled', true).addClass('btn-disabled'); method(data) .then(result => { view.model.set(result); App.UI.closeModal(function () { if (is_new) { App.Controller.showNginxAccess(); } }); }) .catch(err => { alert(err.message); this.ui.buttons.prop('disabled', false).removeClass('btn-disabled'); }); } }, onRender: function () { let items = this.model.get('items'); let clients = this.model.get('clients'); // Add empty items to the end of the list. This is cheating but hey I don't have the time to do it right let items_to_add = 5 - items.length; if (items_to_add) { for (let i = 0; i < items_to_add; i++) { items.push({}); } } let clients_to_add = 5 - clients.length; if (clients_to_add) { for (let i = 0; i < clients_to_add; i++) { clients.push({}); } } this.showChildView('items_region', new ItemsView({ collection: new Backbone.Collection(items) })); this.showChildView('clients_region', new ClientsView({ collection: new Backbone.Collection(clients) })); }, initialize: function (options) { if (typeof options.model === 'undefined' || !options.model) { this.model = new AccessListModel.Model(); } } });